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Pure Enzymes for Pools (monthly treatment)

Pure Enzymes for Pools (monthly treatment)

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Switching Over to Waters Choice Enzymes

If you are switching over to Waters Choice enzymes from a chlorine or bromine based system, make sure your water is clean/clear, that your CYA level is below 80, then simply let your chlorine/bromine level come down to 0 before introducing our enzymes.

If you are switching over from or are still using a Salt Generator, simply turn you generator down to the lowest setting.  Your plates and equipment will last longer using Waters Choice enzymes.

What is Pure Enzymes for Pools?

Pure Enzymes for Pools is a monthly pool treatment for up to 25k gallons. Enzymes treat pool water filled with organics like sunscreen, sweat, urine, and debris from plants and trees. These organics puts a high demand on chlorine, which means you must increasingly use more. Waters Choice Pool Enzymes will break down the organics in your water, freeing up the chlorine to do what it does best. This allows you to use less chlorine which is so much better for you and your pool.

All You Need

Start with clean filters.  Then add 1 bottle per month, balance pH (7.2 - 7.8) & alkalinity (80 - 120)  and maintain .5 -1 ppm chlorine.  One - 12 oz. bottle of Pure Enzymes for Pools treats 25k gallons per month.  This application is great for any pool, but it is ideal for above ground pools.

If your pool is less than 25,000 gallons, you can add less, but the numbers will not equate completely equally. However, for example, for a 5,000 gallon pool add 1/3 of the bottle, for 10,000 gallons add ½ of the bottle, and for 15,000 gallons add ¾ of the bottle. These dosages are per month.

If your pool is more than 25,000 gallons, you can add more.  Approximately 1 1/3 bottles for a 30k gallons, 1 1/2 bottles for a 35k gallons, and 1 3/4 bottles for 40k gallons, etc.

Maintaining your pool with Waters Choice Enzymes enables you to eliminate opening & closing chemicals (chlorine, shock, and metal sequestering agents), shock, all while reducing chlorine use.

We highly recommend testing for phosphates in spring, summer and fall in order to get ahead of potential algae bloom.

Additional Benefits

Our enzymes are scientifically formulated to combat organics in your pool water without the harsh chemicals, eliminating scum rings and enabling filters, equipment and swim suits to last longer.

Enzymes can withstand large bather loads and recover quickly.  They are all natural and safe for your eyes, hair, skin, pets and the environment.

How Many Gallons is My Pool?

See charts below to determine how many gallons of water are in your pool.

12' x 21'
15' x 30'
15' x 33'
18' x 36'
21' x 41'


What Do I need and Why?

Pool Enzymes - This does most of the work keeping pool water pristine

pH Increaser/Sodium Bicarbonate/Soda Ash - This product raises the pH

pH Decreaser/Muriatic Acid - This product lowers the pH

Sanitizer/Chlorine/Bromine - Assists in keeping your water clean

Test Strips - An easy way to check where your levels are at



  • Model: WC-12pool
  • UPC# 650429310046
  • Shipping Weight: 0.75lbs
  • Manufactured by: Waters Choice, Inc.


Easy Instructions

-Start with clean/clear water. Enzymes will not clear up dirty or green water.
-Add 1 bottle of Pure Enzymes for Pools (per 25k gallons) every month.
-Check & balance pH & alkalinity. Use Muriatic Acid to lower pH & Soda Ash to raise pH.
-Maintain .5 -1 ppm chlorine. This usually looks like: adding 2-3 high quality chlorine pucks to chlorine feeder & set to the lowest setting.
-Check pool for phosphates in the spring, mid-summer, and in the fall before closing. If you have a reading over 200 ppb, add a phosphate remover according to directions.
-When ready to close your pool, make sure water is clean & clear, add 1 bottle of Pure Enzymes for Pools for every 12,500 gallons, then close & cover. Your water will be crystal clear in the spring. Repeat pool opening/starting steps. (See Important Note below)
-In March, lift a corner of the pool cover and take a look at the water. You may need to add some liquid chlorine, if any debris has gotten into your pool water. When you open your pool for the season you should be good to go. Just follow the opening instructions.
-No other opening or closing chemicals are necessary. No shock needed. Keep filter clean.

Important Note
You need to have been using Waters Choice enzymes for at least 2 months to be able to close without traditional chemicals, ie. chlorine, algeacide, and a metal sequestering agent.

Weekly Maintenance

-Test your pH, alkalinity, and chlorine and make sure to keep these in the desired ranges.
-Vacuum and brush your pool.
-Check pressure on filter.

Monthly Maintenance
Add one bottle (or correct dosage per your pool size) of Waters Choice Pure Enzymes for Pools every month.

Closing your pool

Special Note

Your pool needs to have been running Waters Choice enzymes for at least 2 months to be able to close without traditional chemicals like chlorine, algaecide, and a metal sequestering agent

Cold climates

If you winterize, Waters Choice enzymes enable you to cut out opening and closing chemicals. Add one bottle of Pure Enzymes for Pools for every 12,500 gallons of water, balance pH & alkalinity, blow out your lines, and cover.

It is a good practice to check your water in March to see if it is starting to turn green, especially with mesh covers. If it is green, add a little chlorine, but don't add your enzymes until you are ready to take the cover off and open your pool.

Warm climate

If in the winter you turn off your heater and keep your equipment running, but do not use your pool, add ½ a bottle of Waters Choice Pure Enzymes for Pools every 6 weeks. Also, cut back on your chlorine.

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